
public struct Coded<V> : AttributeKeyPathStringConvertible, FieldAttributeProtocol

The containing type for stored property values. Any type supported by the specified encoder/decoder are allowed.

class Animal: CoreStoreObject {

    @Field.Coded("eyeColor", coder: FieldCoders.NSCoding.self)
    var eyeColor: UIColor = .black

        coder: {
            encode: { $0.toData() },
            decode: { BloodType(fromData: $0) }
    var bloodType: BloodType = .unknown


Field properties are required to be used as @propertyWrappers. Any other declaration not using the @Field.Stored(...) var syntax will be ignored.
  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        @Field.Coded("eyeColor", coder: FieldCoders.NSCoding.self)
        var eyeColor: UIColor = .black


    Any changes in the coder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init<Coder: FieldCoderType>(
        wrappedValue initial: @autoclosure @escaping () -> V,
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString = { fatalError("'keyPath' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder fieldCoderType: Coder.Type = { fatalError("'coder' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = []
    ) where Coder.FieldStoredValue == V



    the initial value for the property that is shared for all instances of this object. Note that this is evaluated during DataStack setup, not during object creation. To assign a value during object creation, use the dynamicInitialValue argument instead.


    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The FieldCoderType to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).

  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        @Field.Coded("eyeColor", coder: FieldCoders.NSCoding.self, dynamicInitialValue: { UIColor.random() })
        var eyeColor: UIColor


    Any changes in the coder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init<Coder: FieldCoderType>(
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString,
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder fieldCoderType: Coder.Type,
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = [],
        dynamicInitialValue: @escaping () -> V
    ) where Coder.FieldStoredValue == V



    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The FieldCoderType to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).


    the initial value for the property when the object is first created.

  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
            coder: {
                encode: { $0.toData() },
                decode: { BloodType(fromData: $0) }
        var bloodType: BloodType = .unknown


    Any changes in the encoder/decoder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init(
        wrappedValue initial: @autoclosure @escaping () -> V,
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString = { fatalError("'keyPath' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder: (encode: (V) -> Data?, decode: (Data?) -> V) = { fatalError("'coder' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = []



    the initial value for the property that is shared for all instances of this object. Note that this is evaluated during DataStack setup, not during object creation. To assign a value during object creation, use the dynamicInitialValue argument instead.


    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The closures to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).

  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
            coder: {
                encode: { $0.toData() },
                decode: { BloodType(fromData: $0) }
            dynamicInitialValue: { BloodType.random() }
        var bloodType: BloodType


    Any changes in the encoder/decoder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init(
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString,
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder: (encode: (V) -> Data?, decode: (Data?) -> V),
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = [],
        dynamicInitialValue: @escaping () -> V



    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The closures to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).


    the initial value for the property when the object is first created.


  • Declaration


    public var cs_keyPathString: String { get }



Available where V: FieldOptionalType

  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        @Field.Coded("eyeColor", coder: FieldCoders.NSCoding.self)
        var eyeColor: UIColor? = nil


    Any changes in the coder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init<Coder: FieldCoderType>(
        wrappedValue initial: @autoclosure @escaping () -> V = nil,
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString = { fatalError("'keyPath' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder: Coder.Type = { fatalError("'coder' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = []
    ) where Coder.FieldStoredValue == V.Wrapped



    the initial value for the property that is shared for all instances of this object. Note that this is evaluated during DataStack setup, not during object creation. To assign a value during object creation, use the dynamicInitialValue argument instead.


    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The FieldCoderType to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).

  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        @Field.Coded("eyeColor", coder: FieldCoders.NSCoding.self, dynamicInitialValue: { UIColor.random() })
        var eyeColor: UIColor?


    Any changes in the coder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init<Coder: FieldCoderType>(
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString,
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder: Coder.Type,
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = [],
        dynamicInitialValue: @escaping () -> V
    ) where Coder.FieldStoredValue == V.Wrapped



    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The FieldCoderType to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).


    the initial value for the property when the object is first created.

  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
            coder: {
                encode: { $0.toData() },
                decode: { BloodType(fromData: $0) }
        var bloodType: BloodType?


    Any changes in the encoder/decoder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init(
        wrappedValue initial: @autoclosure @escaping () -> V = nil,
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString = { fatalError("'keyPath' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder: (encode: (V) -> Data?, decode: (Data?) -> V) = { fatalError("'coder' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = []



    the initial value for the property that is shared for all instances of this object. Note that this is evaluated during DataStack setup, not during object creation. To assign a value during object creation, use the dynamicInitialValue argument instead.


    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The closures to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).

  • Initializes the metadata for the property.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
            coder: {
                encode: { $0.toData() },
                decode: { BloodType(fromData: $0) }
            dynamicInitialValue: { BloodType.random() }
        var bloodType: BloodType?


    Any changes in the encoder/decoder are not reflected in the VersionLock, so make sure that the encoder and decoder logic is compatible for all versions of your persistent store.



    public init(
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString,
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        coder: (encode: (V) -> Data?, decode: (Data?) -> V),
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = [],
        dynamicInitialValue: @escaping () -> V



    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    The closures to be used for encoding and decoding the value


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).


    the initial value for the property when the object is first created.

Available where V: DefaultNSSecureCodable

  • Initializes the metadata for the property. This overload is for types supported by Core Data’s default NSSecureCodable implementation: NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSData, NSURL, NSUUID, and NSNull.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        var customInfo: NSDictionary = [:]



    public init(
        wrappedValue initial: @autoclosure @escaping () -> V,
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString = { fatalError("'keyPath' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = []



    the initial value for the property that is shared for all instances of this object. Note that this is evaluated during DataStack setup, not during object creation. To assign a value during object creation, use the dynamicInitialValue argument instead.


    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).

  • Initializes the metadata for the property. This overload is for types supported by Core Data’s default NSSecureCodable implementation: NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSData, NSURL, NSUUID, and NSNull.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        @Field.Coded("customInfo", dynamicInitialValue: { ["id": UUID()] })
        var customInfo: NSDictionary



    public init(
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString,
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = [],
        dynamicInitialValue: @escaping () -> V



    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).


    the initial value for the property when the object is first created.

Available where V: FieldOptionalType, V.Wrapped: DefaultNSSecureCodable

  • Initializes the metadata for the property. This overload is for types supported by Core Data’s default NSSecureCodable implementation: NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSData, NSURL, NSUUID, and NSNull.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        var customInfo: NSDictionary? = nil



    public init(
        wrappedValue initial: @autoclosure @escaping () -> V = nil,
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString = { fatalError("'keyPath' argument required (SR-13069 workaround)") }(),
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = []



    the initial value for the property that is shared for all instances of this object. Note that this is evaluated during DataStack setup, not during object creation. To assign a value during object creation, use the dynamicInitialValue argument instead.


    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).

  • Initializes the metadata for the property. This overload is for types supported by Core Data’s default NSSecureCodable implementation: NSArray, NSDictionary, NSSet, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSData, NSURL, NSUUID, and NSNull.

    class Person: CoreStoreObject {
        @Field.Coded("customInfo", dynamicInitialValue: { ["id": UUID()] })
        var customInfo: NSDictionary?



    public init(
        _ keyPath: KeyPathString,
        versionHashModifier: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        previousVersionKeyPath: @autoclosure @escaping () -> String? = nil,
        customGetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>) -> V)? = nil,
        customSetter: ((_ object: ObjectProxy<O>, _ field: ObjectProxy<O>.FieldProxy<V>, _ newValue: V) -> Void)? = nil,
        affectedByKeyPaths: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Set<KeyPathString> = [],
        dynamicInitialValue: @escaping () -> V



    the permanent attribute name for this property.


    used to mark or denote a property as being a different “version” than another even if all of the values which affect persistence are equal. (Such a difference is important in cases where the properties are unchanged but the format or content of its data are changed.)


    used to resolve naming conflicts between models. When creating an entity mapping between entities in two managed object models, a source entity property’s keyPath with a matching destination entity property’s previousVersionKeyPath indicate that a property mapping should be configured to migrate from the source to the destination. If unset, the identifier will be the property’s keyPath.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property getter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a type-safe proxy for the receiver. When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively. Do not make assumptions on the thread/queue that the closure is executed on; accessors may be called from NSError logs for example.


    use this closure as an “override” for the default property setter. The closure receives a ObjectProxy<O>, which acts as a fast, type-safe KVC interface for CoreStoreObject. The reason a CoreStoreObject instance is not passed directly is because the Core Data runtime is not aware of CoreStoreObject properties’ static typing, and so loading those info everytime KVO invokes this accessor method incurs a cumulative performance hit (especially in KVO-heavy operations such as ListMonitor observing.) When accessing the property value from ObjectProxy<O>, make sure to use field.primitiveValue instead of field.value, which would unintentionally execute the same closure again recursively.


    a set of key paths for properties whose values affect the value of the receiver. This is similar to NSManagedObject.keyPathsForValuesAffectingValue(forKey:).


    the initial value for the property when the object is first created.